3D Daring Dignified Art

3D Daring Dignified Art

ETK Core (旧Erindale Toolkit) | Geometry Node 用アドバンス・プリミティブ

ETK Core V3.4 (Blender3.0から名称変更)

Advanced (ex:Experimental)

  • ETK Cross Section()
  • ETK Inverse Kinematics()
  • ETK Marching Cubes()
  • ETK Marching Squares()
  • ETK Marching Squares BETA()
  • ETK Mesh to SDF()
  • ETK Remesh()
  • ETK Tessellate()
  • ETK UV Lattice()

Bounding Box

  • ETK Bounding Box()
  • ETK Bounding Box Group Index()
  • ETK Bounding Box Instance()
  • ETK Bounding Box Instance Rotated()
  • ETK Collection Info+()


  • ETK Align Tilt to Vector()
  • ETK Bevel a Curve(Ngon化)
  • ETK Curve Attributes(始点と終点を繋げ、Ngen化)
  • ETK Curve Deform()
  • ETK Curve Lerp(2本の線のそれぞれの視点終点を繋ぐ)
  • ETK Curve to Mesh UV()
  • ETK Loft Curves()
  • ETK Move Along Curve()
  • ETK Pipes(curveからパイプを作成)
  • ETK Points to Bezier(bezierのポイントを繋いでcurveを作る)
  • ETK Shortest Length Path()
  • ETK Smooth Bezier()
  • ETK To Wires(ワイヤーオブジェクト化)
  • ETK Wire Flood(Objectの中にぐちゃぐちゃのワイヤーを充満させる)


  • ETK Easing Back(Valueの Ease In & Out のパターン)
  • ETK Easing Bounce(Valueの Ease In & Out のパターン)
  • ETK Easing Circular(Valueの Ease In & Out のパターン)
  • ETK Easing Elastic(Valueの Ease In & Out のパターン)
  • ETK Easing Exponential(Valueの Ease In & Out のパターン)
  • ETK Easing Mixer(Valueの Ease In & Out のパターン)
  • ETK Easing Sine(Valueの Ease In & Out のパターン)
  • ETK Easing+(Valueの Ease In & Out のパターン)


  • ETK Field Get Item
  • ETK Field Length
  • ETK Field Map Range F
  • ETK Field Map Range V
  • ETK Field Mean
  • ETK Field Normalise
  • ETK Field Offset
  • ETK Field Replace
  • ETK Field Shuffle
  • ETK Flip Index
  • ETK Index to Fac
  • ETK Shuffle Attribute
  • ETK Sort Attribute
  • ETK Sort Vertices


  • ETK Brick Arc
  • ETK Brick Spline(指定したobjectを使ってレンガの壁を作る)
  • ETK Brick Straight
  • ETK Circle
  • ETK Cylinder
  • ETK Edge Lattice
  • ETK Ellipse
  • ETK Grid
  • ETK Grid Hex
  • ETK Grid Tri
  • ETK Icosphere
  • ETK Line
  • ETK Phyllotaxis
  • ETK Purz(変なObjectを作成)
  • ETK Segment
  • ETK Spherical Spiral(球体をスパイラルカーブ化)
  • ETK Spirograph(幾何学模様を描く)
  • ETK Suzanne
  • ETK Torus(Torus化)
  • ETK UV Sphere
  • ETK Vertex(たった1つのVertex(点)を作る)


  • ETK Basher
  • ETK Cartesian to Cylindrical
  • ETK Cartesian to Spherical
  • ETK Cylinder to Cartesian
  • ETK Looping Coordinates
  • ETK Mapping
  • ETK Position Deform
  • ETK Space Converter
  • ETK Spherical to Cartesian
  • ETK Triplanar
  • ETK Triplanar Blend
  • ETK Window Coordinates


  • ETK Boundary Loop()
  • ETK Camera Cull(カメラ視野の外側を全て除去)
  • ETK Distance Cull(カメラ視野の奥行距離の指定)
  • ETK Distance from Point()
  • ETK Edge Angle()
  • ETK Edge Direction()
  • ETK Edge Length()
  • ETK Expand Selection()
  • ETK Face Area()
  • ETK Face Perimeter()
  • ETK Face Sides()
  • ETK Internal Faces()
  • ETK Is Wire()
  • ETK Island Area()
  • ETK Island Verts()
  • ETK Manifold Edge()
  • ETK Mesh Side()
  • ETK Points Inside Mesh(不明)
  • ETK Select Similar Edges()
  • ETK Select Similar Faces()
  • ETK Select Similar Islands()
  • ETK Select Similar Verts()
  • ETK Selection Box(マスク表示。Instance on Points の Pick Instance につなぐ)
  • ETK Selection Cylinder(マスク表示。Instance on Points の Pick Instance につなぐ)
  • ETK Selection Normals(マスク表示。Distributes Points on Faces の Selection につなぐ)
  • ETK Selection Plane(マスク表示。Instance on Points の Pick Instance につなぐ)
  • ETK Selection Prism(マスク表示。Instance on Points の Pick Instance につなぐ)
  • ETK Selection Sphere(マスク表示。Instance on Points の Pick Instance につなぐ)


  • ETK Align Mesh by Mesh(ターゲットGeoに沿って並ぶ)
  • ETK Array Linear(直線に並ぶ)
  • ETK Array Radial(〇に並ぶ)
  • ETK Array Spline(作成したCurveに沿って並ぶ)
  • ETK Attribute to Instances(Nodeを繋いで作成したGeoたちを1つのGeoに変換)
  • ETK Bend(XYZ軸でBendする)
  • ETK Bounding Box(Nodeに入っているObjectsのバウンディングBOX化)
  • ETK Copy on Points(Instance on Pointsに似ている)
  • ETK Debug()
  • ETK Cross Selection(不明)
  • ETK Displace Noise
  • ETK Displace Texture
  • ETK Displace Voronoi
  • ETK Distribute Points in Volume
  • ETK Field Lines
  • ETK Fill Holes()
  • ETK Foliage(野原作成)
  • ETK Force Size(Instanceのサイズ変更)
  • ETK Geo Visibility(Viewport or Render での表示有無)
  • ETK Instance Packer()
  • ETK LOD(カメラからの奥行距離でLOD5個のローポリ指定)
  • ETK MatSmooth(Object表面をスムーズ化)
  • ETK Mesh Boundary(Debug用..不明)
  • ETK Mesh to Instance
  • ETK MixFloat(Attribute Mixがあるので使わない)
  • ETK Point Distribute(Distribute Points on Faces になった)
  • ETK PtVtM
  • ETK Purge Islands
  • ETK Random Bias F(Float Value にランダム入力)
  • ETK Random Bias V(Vector Value にランダム入力)
  • ETK Random Float(Float Value にランダム入力)
  • ETK Ramdom Vector(Vector Value にランダム入力)
  • ETK Raycast Scatter(不明)
  • ETK Raycast+(元々の Raycast の進化版)
  • ETK Render Switch(Geo Visibility との違いは?)
  • ETK Shrinkwrap(Shrinkwrap Modifierと同じ)
  • ETK Solidify
  • ETK Stepped Transform
  • ETK Switch Geo(Geo のスイッチング(10個まで可))
  • ETK Switch Object(Object のスイッチング(10個まで可))
  • ETK Switch Vector(Vector Valueのスイッチング(10個まで可))
  • ETK Transform+(元々のTransformの進化版)
  • ETK Twist(ただTwistする)
  • ETK UV Lattice
  • ETK Vector Inject(XYZ別に Value を入力)


  • ETK Cube Projection()
  • ETK Cube Projection(Bounds)()
  • ETK UV Helper()
  • ETK UV Project from Vector()
  • ETK UV Project from Vector(Bounds)()