3D Daring Dignified Art

3D Daring Dignified Art


PxrFractal Attributes

  • inputManifold
  • Dimensions
    2D Texture or 3D Texture
  • Align Mode
  • Frequency
  • Frequency Flatten


  • Shaping Mode
  • Shaping Soften


  • Direction
  • Direction Align
    Align Modeに準拠し、linear, cylindrical, or spherical パターンに調整。
  • Direction Jitter
  • Direction Jitter Frequency
  • Direction Jitter Scale
  • Direction Rotate
  • Direction Flatten
  • Phase Offset
  • Phase Align
    Align Modeに準拠し、波形のノイズ量を減らす。


  • Kernel Frequency
  • Kernel Scale
  • Kernel Neighbors
    How many near kernel neighbors to sample for phasor waves to convolve. In 2D, you access (2n+1)^2 neighboring kernels. In 3D, you access (2n+1)^3 neighboring kernels. With the default of 2, that is 25 kernels for 2D and 125 kernels for 3D! More kernels are more expensive but give potentially smoother results.
  • Kernel Impulses
    How many impulses to sample per phasor wave kernel. They are randomly scattered within each phasor wave kernel grid cell, but given a uniform distribution of phase offsets. More impulses are more expensive.
  • Kernel Falloff
    Each phasor wave kernel has a cosine shaped falloff from its center. This control is a power function on the falloff, decreasing will flatten the area of influence, increasing will sharpen the area of influence.
  • Kernel Error
    Set how much error and discontinuity is allowable in sampling the kernels. At zero we use a cosine falloff to make sure there are no discontinuities, but it's possible with low kernel neighbors and a stretched kernel scale to find areas filled with grey. Increasing above zero switches to a Gaussian falloff to fill in those areas, but can also introduce discontinuities along the kernel cell grid.


  • Phasor Octaves
  • Phasor Octave Scale
  • Phasor Octave Weight
    The weight of each successive phasor octave.
  • Phasor Octave Offset
    The phase offset of each successive phasor octave.
  • Phasor Octave Rotate
    The rotation around the surface normal for each successive phasor octave.
  • Fractal Harmonic Mode
    The combination mode of each fractal and harmonic octave. These octaves are combined in amplitude space after the phasor result has been evaluated.
  • Fractal Octaves
    Increasing fractal octaves computes phasor results at different frequencies which are then combined in amplitude space. These octaves will most likely not be aligned with each other.
  • Fractal Octave Scale
    The frequency scale of each successive fractal octave.
  • Fractal Octave Weight
    The weight of each successive fractal octave.
  • Fractal Octave Offset
    The phase offset of each successive fractal octave.
  • Fractal Octave Rotate
    The rotation around the surface normal for each successive fractal octave.
  • Harmonic Octaves
    Increasing harmonic octaves computes phasor results at exact 2x, 4x, etc. frequency which is then combined in amplitude space. These octaves will be aligned with each other.
  • Harmonic Octave Weight
    The weight of each successive harmonic octave.
  • Harmonic Octave Offset
    The phase offset of each successive harmonic octave.


  • Filter Scale
    The filtering in this noise is based on the final frequency and direction of each phasor wave impulse and is computed and applied to each of the fractal and harmonic octaves. We can't skip entering the kernel loop to save computation time, but the filtering helps a lot with convergence. Decrease the filterScale to recover detail at the cost of more iterations.

Adjust Output

  • Color Min
  • Color Max
  • Float Min
  • Float Max